ETP SMR’s activities are focused on creating sustainable mineral resource potential, including access to and supply of essential and critical raw materials, through research, development and innovation. The members are involved in, amongst other activities, exploration, mining, quarrying, mineral processing, smelting, recycling and metallurgical recovery and refining, including the highly innovative enabling technologies and equipment development, thereby covering the whole value chain of the minerals sector.
In particular, ETP SMR is involved in:
- PROEJCTS: ETP SMR Members participate in common Projects, funded or co-funded by the European Union, in tenders and other EU initiatives (e.g. ProMine, I2Mine, RAMINTECH). In this regards, Members gather together to write project proposals, also in collaboration with partners.
- NETWORKING: ETP SMR Experts attended main international events of the minerals sector (e.g. 1st International Mining Congress in Nicaragua).
- POLICY CONTRIBUTION: ETP SMR Members contributed towards EU policy related to the mineral sector by writing key documents (e.g. ETP SMR Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda, Commitment for the EIP).
- DISSEMINATION: The ETP SMR Secretariat is active in organizing events (Workshops, Conferences, Stakeholders Forum etc.) and disseminate relevant information across the Platform.