Trondheim in Norway was the venue for the ETP SMR General Assembly 2024 in conjunction with the final conference of the EU HORIZON project GREENPEG. The EXCOM was delighted with the lively participation of its members and the introduction of four new members and their projects. The platform was able to significantly expand its cooperation with the COM in 2023 and 2024. At the request of the COM, a position paper on the next EU Research Framework Program (FP10) and – exclusively – the related Strategic Implementation Plan (SIP) are currently being prepared. The Platform was also asked to position itself on the RM Co-funded Partnership in continuation of the ERA MIN 3 funding. Here, our members have a voice in Brussels and can have a lasting influence on the course of future R&D in the raw materials sector. The next ETP SMR plenary meeting will take place at our member K+S (one of the largest potash producers in the world) in the fall of 2025 at its main plant in Werra near Frankfurt, Germany.