8th ETP SMR General Meeting

The ETP SMR is pleased to announce that the 8th ETP SMR General Meeting will take place on Tuesday 29th November in Brussels, in the frame of the first edition of the ‘Raw Materials Week’ being promoted by the European Commission DG GROW.

The ETP SMR GM has been included in the list of satellite events taking place during the week and will gather relevant stakeholders and key speakers from several ongoing projects and initiatives, such as the EIT Raw Materials.

Special attention will be given to create synergies with other satellite events such as the FORAM Workshop (Towards a World Forum on Raw Materials), which will launch the FORAM Project and provide another interesting platform for discussion to the ETP SMR community. The event will be followed by a cocktail reception that will keep the momentum of the Raw Materials Week going even longer.

For info on the Raw Materials Week: http://ec.europa.eu/growth/tools-databases/newsroom/cf/itemdetail.cfm?item_id=8915

For info on the ETP SMR General Meeting please contact the Secretariat here

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