GKZ is an independent triple helix association of industry, research/academia, and administration operating along the entire value chain of raw materials. We are an industry driven network based in Germany and comprise more than 160 national and international members. The aim of GKZ statutes is to support the engineering and technology development, to raise raw material awareness and acceptance, to foster education and training in mining business and administration and management of technical and development co-operation (good governance, skills-education-knowledge), as well as networking and clustering by:
- Formation of interdisciplinary networks and expert pools
- Networking at regional, national and international level
- Formation of strategical partnerships
- Regional market reviews and international market survey and market entry measures
- Development and management of R&D and CAS projects
As a non profit organisation GKZ is dedicated to cluster, to promote and to exploit research results and know-how through an experienced innovation and IPR management. Our association is well embedded in a number of national and global networks and achieves synergies from co-operation of members in the association and with third parties at governmental and non-governmental level. This also allows a deep penetration of dissemination and a straight forward exploitation in terms of synergies and partner identification. With a strong regional background in the Mining and Metallurgy Region of Saxony GKZ is committed to RIS3 policies such as the Saxon Raw Material Strategy and the Saxon Innovation Strategy as well as in cross border ERFD structural funds.
Internet: www.gkz-ev.de